
More than 10,000 surgeries have been performed by our doctors since February to save those who suffered from the war. People with landmine and gunshot injuries are brought to the Unbroken Center almost every day by evacuation trains and ambulances. In order to save their lives, our surgeons remove fragments of the missile, close large wounds and sew up the thinnest blood vessels and nerves. They work together with the best war trauma specialists from the USA, the UK and Israel.

One of the priority directions is reconstructive surgery. Our specialists perform complex "free-flap" surgaries. They transplant voluminous muscle flaps to close massive wounds. Often this is the only way to save a limb from amputation.

Maxillofacial surgeons are developing the direction of facial reconstruction. They literally put the patients' face parts together, close wounds and holes in bones. They do this together with the best reconstructive surgeons from the UK and France. They help both civilians and our military, as well as children. Children's surgeons of the "Unbroken" Center remove small fragments of projectiles from the brain, lungs and limbs, bringing children back to life. Thousands of lives are saved by our doctors.



40-year-old Oksana was dug up barely alive from a 5-meter-high crater formed by the russian missile in Bakhmut. In addition to numerous wounds to the limbs and abdomen, there was a great threat of amputation of her leg. The woman courageously endured 10 surgaries. In the end, our specialists performed a complex reconstructive surgary and were able to save her leg from amputation.

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