
Returning of wounded people to a full life is a huge challenge that our state is currently facing. Severe injuries of the body and limbs require complex rehabilitation. Specialists of the Unbroken Center fight every day for every new step, word and movement of a patient who suffered as a result of the war. We create the best opportunities to take care of everyone.

Our approach: in the center of the rehabilitation process there is a person. The goal of the rehabilitation team is determined only by the goals of the patient. It is achieved only by evidentiary methods. Rehabilitation is implemented by a multidisciplinary team. It begins immediately when the patient enters the medical institution. The minimum task of the rehabilitation team is to give the patient all the necessary tools so that he can return to life and be as independent as possible.

For this purpose, dozens of specialists work with patients at the Unbroken Center, including doctors of physical rehabilitation medicine, physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech specialists. They also cooperate with psychologists and psychotherapists, because every recovery is a team work. Training classes take place in modern rehabilitation rooms with the latest equipment, in particular, a robotic walking system and exoskeletons.

The full cycle of care is additionally ensured by cooperation with surgeons, traumatologists and other specialists who work in the team of our center, as well as access to all the necessary diagnostic equipment.



Neighbors pulled brothers Volodia and Yakiv from under the rubble. A moment earlier, a russian rocket flew into their house. Their mother and stepfather died immediately. A fragment hit 8-year-old Yakiv in the neck. 14-year-old Volodia received a brain injury, numerous facial injuries and a fracture of the radius of his right hand. In order to help children recover and move fully again, rehabilitation specialists worked with them for several months. Most of the consequences of injuries have already been eliminated.

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