Psychosocial Rehabilitation

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Restoration of psychological health is an integral part of the treatment process. That is why mental health specialists work at the "Unbroken" Center with every person affected by the war. For this purpose, the department of psychiatry and the Center for Mental Health function in our institution. Our specialists rely on the best global experience and involve colleagues from the USA, Israel, Great Britain and France.

The war caused psychological trauma to millions of Ukrainians. Anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorders, panic attacks are the results of our new reality and a huge challenge for the health care system. That is why psychological rehabilitation is one of the key directions of work of the Unbroken Center.

Our team includes psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychologists, cognitive-behavioral and body-oriented therapists, as well as art therapists and psychoneurologists. Specialists of the Center provide comprehensive psychological assistance to military personnel, their family members, and civilians.

These are not only consultations and psychotherapy groups, but also various types of therapy: art therapy, Gestalt therapy, cognitive-behavioral, psychoanalytic and EMDR therapy, as well as body-oriented psychotherapy.

Also, the Center's specialists work with victims of torture and people who have survived captivity often come to us for help.



Oleksandr Hubenko lost his leg on the second day of the full-scale invasion. He wanted to get a prosthesis as soon as possible in order to return to the front-line. A psychotherapist worked with Oleksandr during prosthetics. The man admitted that psychological support was exactly what he needed at that time.

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